Who We Are
SUN CSA Laos is a formal network of 77+ civil society organisations which focus on improving in the nutrition status of all Lao people, in particular women and children in their first 1,000 days of life.
Established in 2014, SUN CSA Laos seeks to coordinate and support civil society through skills building for convergent action and learning from best practices. SUN CSA members support the government’s National Nutrition Strategy and Plan of Action to accelerate the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger (SDG1 & SDG2).
SUN CSA Laos is a member-driven network. All members participate actively to support each other. All funds and resources are provided by CSO members, both national and international. This sharing of resources, knowledge and efforts increases efficiency, multiplies impact and reduces malnutrition nationally.
During 2023, SUN CSA Laos member organisations have conducted 88 joint activities through our SUN CSA network to promote nutrition, including 23 learning activities, 35 coordination activities and 30 advocacy activities. Campaign and advocacy topics included the food insecurity, breastfeeding, agriculture for nutrition, and climate resilience.
We have shared nutrition knowledge across the country to more people than ever before. Our website was visited 10,000 times and has over 697 nutrition resources in our Lao Nutrition Resource Library, including 106 new documents and 67 videos in 2023. Our Facebook page reached over 687,000 people in Laos online during the past year with 232 posts, including nutrition campaigns, activity updates, videos and information.
SUN CSA Laos established a Secretariat to help coordinate information and key activities for members. Since July 2020, the Secretariat includes a Manager, Communications Officer, an Assistant and a part-time Advisor, with an office hosted at the Plan International in Laos office in Vientiane.
The SUN CSA Laos would like to thank all consortium members who supported the SUN CSA Secretariat in 2024-2025, including the Secretariat staff and office costs, as well as various SUN CSA activities, including campaigns, research, and IEC materials.